Our Vision
May we have eyes to see those rendered invisible and excluded,
Open arms and hearts to reach out and include them,
Healing hands to touch their lives with love,
And in the process, heal ourselves.
An Overview

The Free Medical Clinic of Newberry County, Inc. opened its doors in December, 2004 to serve the needs of Newberry County residents without access to professional healthcare due to lack of income or adequate health insurance. Since its opening, the clinic has helped hundreds of Newberrians receive care from volunteer physicians and dentists on a wide range of medical conditions.
[more about the clinic]
Latest Announcements
Expanding Needs
The first years of operation for the Free Medical Clinic of Newberry County, Inc. have revealed a great need for affordable medical services among county residents. Since the Clinic's opening in December 2004, the number of patients who have qualified for services has increased steadily and is now over 850. The Clinic's services include medical and dental care, as well as prescriptions.
Larger Facility
The success of the clinic has led to expansion of the building, to include 6 medical exam rooms and 2 dental treatment rooms. This enables the clinic to serve more patients with better care.
Generous Donations
The Clinic Board has received grants for capital improvements (building purchase, renovation, resurfacing and expansion of the parking lot, and the 1000 square foot addition). Newberry County churches, individuals, businesses, industries and service organizations have made contributions totaling over $70,000 through 2006. More local contributions will be essential to the continued success of this much needed ministry to those in our midst who are invisible and excluded.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers to assist at the Clinic are an ongoing need. In addition to medical personnel, volunteers are needed in the areas of publicity and public relations, reception and greeting, translating, and administration. Anyone interested in volunteering is invited to visit or phone the Clinic at 276-6665.
Area Churches Key to Support
All Newberry County churches and congregations are currently being invited to participate in the mission of the Free Medical Clinic of Newberry County. A number of churches have already established a pattern of giving to the Clinic, and the Clinic Board would like to invite other congregations to join us in insuring the continuing success of this much needed ministry.
Contribution information is always available for a congregations in Newberry County, each of which is encouraged to select a contact person with an email address, so that current information is always available for the members. Contributions, volunteers, are always need by the clinic.
The representative from each congregation, who is known as a Congregational Clinic Advocate (CCA), will be asked to receive and disseminate materials and information to his or her church, including occasional bulletin inserts, volunteer forms, donation forms, and patient qualifying materials. CCA's will also attend scheduled Clinic update meetings.
Board Members
- Elaine Allcut
- Jesse Baker
- Pamela Branton
- Pat Caldwell - Vice Chairman
- Betty Dominick
- James A. Lander
- Gloria Lemus
- Willie Morris - Treasurer
- Rev. Mark Scott
- Johnny Mack Scurry
- Robert E. Summer, Jr. - Chairman
Dr. E. Eugene Epting serves as Executive Medical Director; Dollie Williamson, Patient Coordinator; Lisa Wheeler, Clinic Coordinator; Lakesha Williams, Administrator Assistant; and Audrey Henry is the Public Relations Representative.